The Thunder Volleyball season officially starts today! The ladies get things started in Marysville w/ the annual Lady Bulldog Invitational... Good luck girls, & GO THUNDER!!! #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
Come support the NC Football team tonight at 6:30 at Thunder Field #NCWay #NCThunder
over 5 years ago, NC Thunder
Football season is here! NC hosts their first ever "Jamboree," this evening, w/ Centralia & Perry-Lecompton visiting Thunder Field for some preseason action! 6:30PM start time, w/ a free will donation supper provided by the Friday Nighters! See you there! #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
FB Jamboree 2019
The NCHS KAY Club will be meeting during Regular Seminar today... #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
Thunder Seniors: The Jostens rep will be here today to talk SR swag and... GRADUATION. Yikes! The rep will be here during Regular Seminar. #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
Welcome to Friday, Thunder S's! Here are the announcements for 8/30... #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
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Info for the NC Trap Team 2019-2020... #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Heath Lutz
NC Trap 19-20
Thunder S's: A rep from Josten's will be here to talk class rings during Regular Seminar today... #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
Hey Thunder Fans: Deck out your vehicle w/ some #NCThunder gear! The NC Booster Club will be selling these license plates at Friday's Football Jamboree... #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
NC Grey
NC White
The announcements for Thursday, 8/29 are out! Have a great day, Thunder S's! #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
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#NCThunder Booster Club will have these license plates on sale starting Friday night for $15 each.
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
NC License Plate
NC License Plate
It's Advisory Wednesday at NCHS... Here are the announcements for 8/28... #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
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Heads up Thunder FFAers... You'll be meeting today during Regular Seminar! #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
The NCHS KAY Club is having their annual membership party this evening! Come ready to have a great time w/ the best KAY Club in Kansas! #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
Have a great Tuesday, Thunder S's! Here are the announcements for 8/27... #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
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Welcome to Monday Thunder S's! Late Seminar/Early Out this afternoon. Here are the announcements for August 26th... #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
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Trying out something new this year using a weekly video to tell the #NCThunder story. Highlight all the fantastic people in our district and the great things they are doing the #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Darrel Kohlman
NC Logo
The Annual FCCLA Taco & Bowl Night is tonight at the bowling alley! Looking for all interested Thunder S's to attend! #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School
NCHS unofficially kicks off the 2019 football season TONIGHT w/ the annual NHS Powerderpuff Football Game! 7PM, Thunder Field. See you there! #NCThunder #NCWay
over 5 years ago, Nemaha Central High School