Tween or teens are Suddenly in Charge of taking care of other children.
K-State Research and Extension’s new resource series will prepare youth with safety tips, activities, and snack ideas to help them feel empowered.

#NCThunder let's be successful doing it the #NCWay

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day to all teachers but especially #NCThunder teachers! I respect all of you so much for all that you do for students. Keep doing it the #NCWay

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all the #NCThunder teachers!! You make @NemahaCenEMS & @nchsthunder such fantastic places for kids to learn & grow into the best version of themselves. #NCWay

We want to say THANK YOU to our principal, Dr. Amy Beck, for all her hard work and dedication to our school, staff, students, and families. Happy Principal's Day!

#NCThunder During Covid-19 and Continuous Learning the 10-90 Rule has never been more applicable. It is part of doing it the #NCWay.

It is another Monday of Continuous Learning in #NCThunder doing it the #NCWay will require some grit!

It was a beautiful day to hand out over 500 lunches to #NCThunder

To the unsung heroes of #NCThunder Happy Administrative Professionals' Day! The #NCWay would be to reach out and personally thank them for all they do!

#NCThunder make sure that our district gets the funding we need by completing 2020 Census. Visit 2020Census.gov to complete the Census online or call (844) 330-2020 it is the #NCWay

#NCThunder do what you can do! #NCWay

#NCThunder Now is the time to show empathy towards others. #NCWay

#NCThunder we are all in this together so take that one more step! #NCWay

#NCThunder wants to thank Sheila/Tara and Seneca Variety/Customers for the donation of face mask for our food service workers. #NCWay

Grab N Go Lunches will be 15 minutes late to all sites. Sorry for the inconvenience!

#NCThunder make sure that our district gets the funding we need by completing 2020 Census. Visit 2020Census.gov to complete the Census online or call (844) 330-2020 it is the #NCWay

April Board meeting 4/13/20 at 7 pm due to COVID-19 Outbreak no public allowed instead watch live at bit.ly/LiveNCBoardMtg if you have questions email them to dkohlman@usd115.org

NO Lunches served on April 13

No lunches served today due to Good Friday.

#NCThunder here is the latest update on Continuous Learning Plan and Covid-19. With some THANKS to businesses for showing the #NCWay https://youtu.be/q1b_tGDqxjs