The football boys won medals.

The Nemaha Central Elementary and Middle School hosted a pep rally to introduce the current sports and recap the fall sports achievements on Monday, November 8. The pep rally started with Dr. Beck welcoming everyone to the pep rally.

The coaches from the fall sports talked about the season's accomplishments and the current sports coaches introduced the athletes involved. Next, the cheerleaders performed a cheer and then got things ready for the game. Several athletes were called down to participate in the game. The cheerleaders organized a boy line on one side and girls on the other. The cheerleaders gave the students that were chosen a balloon and explained how the game worked. The participants had to hop to the other side of the gym with the balloon between their legs, pop the balloon, and run back to their team, and high-five the next person in line. The boys got ahead of the girls and won.

Miles Kuckelman said, “It was fun to watch!”

Finally, the cheerleaders went back out and did the traditional V-I-C-T-O-R-Y cheer for the spirit stick. The sixth grade was declared the winner of the cheer and received the spirit stick.

Kyleah Bstandig said, “I was ecstatic when we won the Spirit Stick!”

The pep rally was an enjoyable break from the school day and it also got the athletes fired up for their seasons.

Click the link below for more photos.