5th Grade Engineering Extravaganza

The Nemaha Central fifth grade and the Sts. Peter and Paul fifth grade held an Engineering Extravaganza Event on Wednesday, November 13, 2024. The event kicked off with “Meet the Engineers” in the classroom.  Students were encouraged to invite family and friends to view their projects before they tested them out.

The students were able to pick two events that they were interested in. One had to be built at home and done in about a week, and one had to be built on the day of the event. The events they could choose to build at home were Egg Drop, Marshmallow Catapult, and Clothespin Cars. The ones that didn’t have to be built at home were the Index Card Challenge, 100 Toothpicks, and the Straw Boat. These events had to be built on the day of the event.

Conner Henry said, “It was fun and like you had to figure out strategies to win.”

The students were excited to have their families come in and check out the projects they worked hard on. They had slideshows or drawings on paper of how they made them. You could even see how they colored them and just a lot of stuff. It would say what they were made of and how they put all the pieces together. 

The fifth-grade students were creative with their projects, and many put much effort into them. They enjoyed testing their home-built projects to see if they worked and had fun with the build-on-site projects.

The winners of the Egg Drop were: 1st place, Latham Kramer; 2nd place, Matilda Hermesch; and 3rd place, Addi Heiman. The winners of the Marshmallow Catapult were: 1st place, Hitch Dalinghaus; 2nd place, Waylon Briggs; and 3rd place, Cooper Haverkamp. The winners of the Clothespin Car were: 1st place, Will Macke; 2nd place, Wesley Stallbaumer; and 3rd place, Reese Martin.

The winners of the Index Cards were: 1st place, Weston Holthaus; 2nd place, Lindy Mosteller; and 3rd place, Wesley Stallbaumer. The winners of the 100 Toothpick Challenge were: 1st place, Hayward Chub Acte; 2nd place, Lilly Henry; and 3rd place, Rodolfo Rivera-Cobian. The winners of the Straw Boat were: 1st place, Rylee Swart; 2nd place, Hunter Fleagle; and 3rd place, Norah Palmer.

Zariah Bauerle stated, “It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, what matters is having fun.”

Article By: Evelyn Ba Coc

Click the link for more photos: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02s5upxfiV4JGUPyJ9RJergGkuCUszUgHrVb6TvXq8UAPRuDoLAE7jj9NeJs7qaSwbl&id=100064073251979&__cft__[0]=AZXw3HSI_pBmqaimRuFJplAbOpp_r9OeKb3VbqeP2_yIpQe3mt_FNrEogCddM-j-b7XyqC56861TBQ1vTuqsyT42pcANsKM0ZM7V7GJI_1RYjCLs52ZO6aRTBqTGO3hU4GYJ5_wKZN_UwclcY1eyGBstzLO3XwAk4dW9U2sd5L4P8g&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R