On Thursday, January 4, the middle school boys' basketball team played Perry. The A team started at 4:30. Our eighth-grade starters spread out on the court in the main gym. Noah Hilbert, number 34, was up for jump ball. Unfortunately, Perry got the ball but it didn’t take long for us to get it back. Meanwhile, over in the secondary gym Trent Stuke, number 44, was up for jump ball for the seventh-grade A team game.
By halftime, our eighth-grade team had the lead of 20-6. They were on fire. At the second quarter, Perry was starting to score but still not enough to take the lead. The final score was 37-15. The seventh-grade A team also played a great game with the final score of 39-20.
The B teams began to warm up shortly after the A team shook hands. The seventh grade’s B team game didn’t go as well as their A team but we’ll get them next time. The final score was 15-31. The eighth grade B team played another good game, the score 29-15.
Both teams played hard and will keep up the good work for their next game against Jeff West. “We played good but there’s always room for improvement,” quoted Carter Stallbaumer, number 21 for the eighth-grade team. “We played hard and had fun,” said Tyson Beebee-Dishong, number 5 on the seventh-grade team.